Friday, April 26, 2013

Blog Schedule

I have decided that in order to organize this blog better and to better serve my readers needs, I am going to follow a schedule. We will see how this goes and it might not even work.Let me know what you think or if you have any other ideas that might help me make this blog a better place for you to visit.

Mondays: My Project Updates
Mondays will be the days that I will update you with what projects I have been working on. This will include my quilts, clothes for K&L, and other more random things I am working on that I would like to share with you.

Wednesdays: Yummies
Wednesdays I will share my favorite recipes with you. I will also be sharing, from time to time, new recipes that I find that are delicious as well. 

Fridays: Friday Finds
On Fridays I will be posting another blogger's tutorial that I find Fantastic and would love to share. I will also follow the directions in the tutorial and let you know if I find any other hints or Tips that the writer forgot to mention. Feel free to suggest tutorials that you would like to see done. These are not sponsored posts, mostly just projects that I have had saved in my pinterest that I would like to do.

I will occasionally post on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday random thoughts and fun finds that I would like to share but for the most part Dana Loves Everyday will follow this schedule. Feel free to leave suggestions or comments if you think something needs improving or would like to see a certain project done.

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